Temporary pacing:


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·     AAI: back-up atrial pacing (co-ordinated contraction but beware AV block)

·     VVI: back-up ventricular pacing (less co-ordinated contraction)

·     DDD: back-up A&V-pacing (semi-co-ordinated but beware R-on T)


·     For back-up: 50bpm

·     For output: 88bpm


Question: how loudly must the pacemaker talk? (high = very loud)

·     Checking: set HR 100; dial up until the heart responds

·     Setting: 2x threshold

·     Normal: 5-10mA (?)


Question: how attentively must the pacemaker listen? (low = very attentive)

·     N.B. can only perform if adequate underlying rhythm present

·     Checking: set output low; dial up until the ‘sense’ light flashes

·     Setting: 0.5x threshold

·     Normal: 2-5mV

A-V interval

·     Corresponds to PR interval

·     Ideal delay dependent on heart rate

·     ~150ms