Respiratory examination


General inspection

·     Conscious state: ↑↓

·     Respiratory effort: ↑↓, accessory muscle use, pursed lips

·     Colour: pink, blue

·     Body habitus: cachexia

·     Syndrome






Vital signs

·     RR and regularity

·     SpO2




·     Chronic hypoxia: cyanosis, clubbing

·     Hypercapnoea: asterixis, bounding pulse

·     Cancer: ulnar wasting, HPOA

·     Smoking: tar staining





Head and neck

·     Eyes: conjunctival pallor and Horner’s syndrome

·     Face: cyanosis, plethora, Pemberton’s sign

·     Voice: RLN palsy hoarseness

·     Neck: tracheal position, supraclav lymph nodes






*Anterior, lateral and posterior*

·     Inspection: scars, deformity, barrel chest

·     Palpation: bilateral expansion

·     Percussion

·     Auscultation

·     Vocal resonance








·     Cor pulmonale: loud P2, parasternal heave


Bedside test

·     PEFR

·     Spirometry





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