PS01 2010: Essential Training for Rural GP Anaesthetists


Overseen by JCCA (Joint Consultative Committee of Anaesthesia)



·        Learning objectives

·        Selection criteria

·        Training

·        Assessment

·        Maintenance of skills


Learning objectives:

·        Anaesthetic procedures: knowledge, skill, experience

·        Medical knowledge: general medicine, surgery, obstetrics, paediatrics, ICU, pain

·        Peri-op skills: resuscitation, trauma, pain relief

·        Non-technical skills: decision making, team leadership

·        Self-directed learning


Selection criteria:

·        General doctor experience: two years

·        Commitment to rural practice: at least one rural GP term

·        Courses: EMST, EMaC

·        Knowledge and skill



·        12 months – at least ¾ in anaesthesia

·        Through college of general practice or rural/remote medicine



·        Examination: written and viva

·        Log-book

·        Supervisor report


Maintenance of skills:

·        Case-load

·        CPD



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