PS54 2013: Anaesthesia machines and workstations – safety



·        Safety requirements

·        Maintenance requirements


Safety requirements:

High pressure circuit

·     Pin indexing of cylinders

·     Reserve O2 cylinder

·     Non-interchangeable gas connections

·     Gas supply display

·     O2 failure -> stop N2O

·     Oxygen enters stream last

Low pressure circuit

·     Common gas outlet 22mm/15mm

·     Scavenging 30mm

·     High pressure relief valve

Gas and vapour controls

·     Knob for each gas

·     O2 knob on the far left

·     O2 knob feels different

·     Anti-hypoxic mechanism for N2O

·     Vapouriser interlock

·     Vapouriser dial turns on anticlockwise


·     Alarms and monitors automatically toggled with switch in mode

·     Big unstoppable noise if ↓↓O2

·     Big noise if ↑↑ airway pressure

·     Big noise if ↓↓ airway pressure

Anti-bum dial

·     For O2 flush button

·     For on-off switch


·     Wall supply

·     Backup power 30 minutes


Maintenance requirements:

·        Check regularly

·        Keep records

·        Disuse if failing repeatedly



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