RD 28 (2019) The trainee returning to work


Definition of prolonged leave:

·        IT: three weeks

·        BT: six months

·        AT: one year


Before leave:

·        Notify HR, SOT, HOD, ANZCA

·        Notify MDO, AHPRA

·        Needs analysis: subspecialty rotations, scholar role, exams, CPD

·        Plan: lead up, during leave, upon return


Upon return:

·        Many difficulties: clinical (i.e. rusty), educational (i.e. less study time), personal (e.g. PND)

·        Planning: with SOT; see ANZCA PS “Return to work”

·        Ideal conditions: familiar hospital, easy work, supervised practice, part time vs full time

·        Support: colleagues, SOT, wellbeing person, breastfeeding breaks



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