RD29 (2019) Pregnancy and the anaesthetist



·        Antenatal: leave for appointments, suitable duties

·        Postnatal: maternity leave, breastfeeding breaks


Ante-natal leave:

·        Notifying employer: at least 10 weeks before the last working day

·        Medical certificate required if working >36/52

·        Maternity leave can start up to 6/52 before due date

·        Make an early appointment with MWU


Leave rules:

·        Interrupted means >12 weeks continuous leave

·        Application for interrupted training must be made at least 13/52 beforehand

·        Max interruption time 104 weeks

·        Paid parental leave: 10-20 weeks (state-dependent). Does not break continuity of service


Occupational hazards:

*suggest letter of recommendations from GP or obstetrician*

Ionising radiation

·      Max 1mSv for preg + lactation (cf. 20mSv non-pregnant)

·      If frequently exposed, wear a disometer

·      Avoid altogether if possible

·      Stand as far away as possible (most important precaution)

·      Wear lead 0.5mm thick

·      Overlap apron with vest

Infectious diseases

·      Ensure IUTD before pregnancy

·      Beware CMV, parvovirus, coxsackie, VZV, rubella, toxoplasma

Inhaled anaesthetics

·      Avoid T-piece if possible

·      Avoid inhalational induction if possible

·      Avoid inhalational anaesthesia where possible

Other teratogens

·      No handling of chemotherapeutics

·      Step out of the room during bone cementing

Physical injury

·      Beware lifting objects, moving patients

Psychological distress

·      Get help if anxiety, depression

·      As common antenatally as postnatally


·      No night shift >28/40

·      No long shifts >32/40

·      No work >36/40 (unless medical certificate)



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