2021B13. For each of the following, describe the features that ensure the safe delivery of oxygen during anaesthesia. a) cylinders b) pipeline supply c) anaesthesia machines




·      No hypoxia

·      No barotrauma

·      No explosion

Supply design

·      Multiple oxygen sources

·      Multiple pressure regulators

·      Multiple alarms


Oxygen sources:


·      Label

·      Colour code: white body, white shoulders

·      Pin index safety system (2&5)

·      Outlet melts and occludes if heated

·      Bodok seal – non-combustible, gas-tight


·      Label: socket and hose

·      Colour code: white hose, white screw collar

·      Diameter index safety system

·      Anti-kink tube


Anaesthesia machine:

Fresh gas supply

·      Oxygen is the last to enter the stream

·      Oxygen control knob (if present) is colour coded, larger, protuberant

·      Chain-link between O2 and N2O flowmeters (physical or electronic)

·      Oxygen failure (usually <2atm) -> open fail-safe valve, other gas off

·      Usually no protection against hypoxia from low FiO2 with low FGF rate

Alternative supply

N.B. no electricity required:

·      Oxygen safety flow (0-10L/min)

o  Into fresh gas supply

o  Master control switch must be on

·      Oxygen flush (40-60L/min, 4 atm)

o  Bypasses circuit

o  Button in-set to prevent accidental barotrauma

·      Auxiliary source (0-10L/min)

o  Separate to circuit

·      Bag-mask resuscitator

o  Separate to machine


·      Systems:

o   High (16atm) – cylinder and attachments

o   Intermediate (4atm) – gas supply lines

o   Low (<70cmH2O) – fresh gas, vapourisers, circuit
(i.e. patient interface)

·      Valves:

o   Check valves – prevent backflow

o   Pressure regulators – smooth pressure drop between sections

o   Pressure relief valves – e.g. APL valve 0-70cmH2O


·      Wall source (connected to uninterruptable supply)

·      Back-up battery

·      On-off button in-set


·      Power supply

·      Pressure gauges

·      FiO2 and etO2 – paramagnetic analyser

·      Oxygen failure – activated if supply <2atm, cannot be silenced



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