2008B03 List the anaesthetic-related uses of clonidine.
What are the effects of clonidine on the cardiovascular and central nervous
systems and how are these effects mediated?



·      α2 adrenoceptor agonist

o  Partial agonist (ceiling effect)

o  α2 : α1 = 200:1

o  Central and peripheral

o  Pre- and post-synaptic

·      Imidazoline receptor agonist

o  May mediate brainstem effects


·      Locus coeruleus:

o  Mainly post-synaptic

o  ↓Activity of reticular activating system

o  ↓SNS outflow

o  ↑Descending inhibition of nociceptors

·      Dorsal horn:

o  Glutamate/substance P release by nociceptors

o  ↓Activation of WDR projection neurons

·      Peripheral nerves

o  Pre-synaptic: ↓NAd release

o  Post-synaptic: similar to α1


·      Anxiolysis and sedation

o   Rousable and co-operative

o   Airway and breathing unaffected

·      General anaesthesia

o   Insufficient alone

o   ↓MAC / propofol Cp50

o   ↓CMRO2 / ↓CBF / ↓ICP (mild)

o   EEG quasi NREM 3-4

·      Other:

o   Analgesia (opioid-sparing)

o   Augment and prolong neuraxial blockade

o   Neuroprotection (↓NAd, ↓glutamate)

o   Anti-shivering

o   Anti-sialogogue


Multi-phasic effects:

·      At first: ± ↑SVR, ↑mAP, reflex ↓HR

o  Peripheral post-synaptic α2B

o  May occur after loading dose

·      Then: ↓SVR, ↓mAP, ↓HR, CO

o  Central post-synaptic > peripheral pre-synaptic α2A

o  Severe if large bolus

·      After cessation: ± rebound hypertension, agitation

o  α2 receptor upregulation


·      ↓Response to laryngoscopy and surgery

·      ↓Myocardial ischaemia (↑supply, ↓demand)

·      ↓Opioid withdrawal



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