Utilisation: |
Occurs if
↓insulin, ↑glucagon Anaerobic: -> 2 ATP (in all cells) |
Glycolysis |
Krebs cycle |
->4 x NADH+ -> 2 x FADH2 ->2 x GTP -> 4 x CO2
Oxidative phosphorylation |
-> 1x ATP -> 1 x H2O |
Storage: |
Occurs if ↑insulin, ↓glucagon GLUT2: constitutive GLUT4: inducible |
Glycogenesis |
Uptake into liver (GLUT2), skeletal muscle (GLUT4) Dose is 25g. Limit is ~50g liver, 400g skeletal muscle Can be later
catabolised to yield glucose
De novo lipogenesis |
Uptake into liver (GLUT2), adipose (GLUT4) |
Conversion: |
Lactate (Cori cycle) |
acids |
HMP shunt |
For synthesis of nucleotides (ribose) |
Rapoport-Luebering shunt |
Production of 2,3-DPG in RBCs |
Pathology: |
Urination |
Renal threshold ~10mM may be exceeded if large dose Glycosuria continuous if taking SGLT2 inhibitor |
Glycosylation |
Chronic hyperglycaemia -> damage to proteins -> microvascular complications (nephropathy, neuropathy) |
Feedback welcome at ketaminenightmares@gmail.com