2020A05 Describe the mechanisms that facilitate oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the placenta.



·        Intro

·        Maternal adaptations

·        Foetal adaptations

·        Haemoglobin adaptations: Bohr & Haldane effects



Mechanism of transfer

·         Diffusion down partial pressure gradient


·         Area 15m2 (cf. lung 80m2)

·         Thickness 3.5μm (cf. lung 0.5μm)

·         Hence slow rate of transfer cf. lung


·         Maternal adaptations: ↑CO, ↑MV

·         Foetal adaptations: ↑Hb affinity for O2, ↑Hb concentration

·         Haemoglobin design: Bohr and Haldane effects


Maternal adaptations:

↑Cardiac output

·         ↑50% at term, with 600mL/min to placenta

·         Cause: a) ↑metabolic demand -> ↑preload b) progesterone-induced ↓SVR

·         Effect: ↑DO2 to placenta, ↑O2 uptake, ↑CO2 excretion

↑Alveolar ventilation

·         ↑50% at term (≈ ↑RR 10% + ↑TV 35%)

·         Cause: a) ↑metabolic demand b) progesterone sensitises central chemoreceptors

·         Effect on CO2: ↓PaCO2 -> enhanced double Bohr effect

·         Effect on O2: ↑PaO2 -> ↑concentration gradient and ↑DO2


Foetal adaptations:


·         Left shift OHDC with p50 19mmHg (cf.26mmHg)

·         Cause: serine substitution -> ↓affinity for 2,3-DPG

·         Effect: umbilical venous SvO2 80% despite pO2 30mmHg


·         Hb 180g/L cf. 140g/L

·         Cause: hypoxia -> ↑erythropoiesis

·         Effect: umbilical venous CvO2 16mL/100mL despite SvO2 80%


Bohr effect:


·         If ↓pH, ↑pCO2:

o  ↓Affinity of Hb for O2

o  Right shift oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (OHDC)


·         Allosteric interactions between haems:

o  ↓pH, ↑pCO2 -> tense (T) state -> ↓affinity for O2

o  ↑pH, ↓pCO2 -> relaxed (R) state -> ↑affinity for O2

Double Bohr effect

·         As HbF unloads CO2:

o  a)↑pCO2/H+ in maternal lacuna -> ↓HbA affinity for O2 -> UNLOAD O2

o  b)↓pCO2/H+ in foetal capillary -> ↑HbF affinity for O2 -> LOAD O2


Haldane effect:


·         HHb has higher affinity for CO2 than HbO2


·         70%: because HHb is 3.5x better at forming carbaminoHb

·         30%: because ↑pKa of imidazoles to 8.2 enhances buffering of H+

Double Haldane effect

·         As HbA unloads O2:

o    a)↑pO2 in capillary -> ↓HbF affinity for CO2 -> UNLOAD CO2

o    b)↓pO2 in lacuna -> ↑HbA affinity for CO2 -> LOAD CO2

->Amplification of Bohr effect -> ↑foetal PaO2

(these values are currently in dispute)



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