· Salt and water
· Other electrolytes
· Metabolism
· Excretion
· Erythropoiesis
Overall function |
· Control water content · Control water partitioning (ECF vs ICF) · Control osmolality |
Summary of renal handling |
· Free glomerular filtration water (180L/day) and electrolytes · Selective tubular reabsorption · Urine output only ~2L/day and variably concentrated |
Autoregulation |
· Glomerular filtration rate: o Constant 125mL/min at mAP 70-170mmHg o Mechanism: ↓stretch -> ↓afferent arteriolar constriction · Glomerulotubular balance: o Constant fraction of Na+/Cl-/H2O reabsorbed from proximal tubule o Mechanism: ? ↑glucose and amino acid absorption -> ↑osmosis · Tubuloglomerular feedback: o ↓NaCl load to macula densa -> afferent arteriolar dilation -> ↑GFR o Mechanism: ↑PGE2, ↓adenosine |
Hormonal control |
· RAAS: o Renin source: granular cells of juxtaglomerular apparatus o Renin release stimuli: a) hypoperfusion b) SNS stimulation c) low Na+Cl- load to distal tubule o End result: ↑reabsorption of Na+, H2O -> ↑ECF volume · ADH: o Source: hypothalamus o Release stimuli: ↑osmolality (∆2%) ↓mAP, ↓blood volume (∆10%), angiotensin 2 o End result: ↑H2O reabsorption only -> ↑total body water and ↓osmolality · ANP: o Source: right atrium o Release stimuli: distension o End result: ↑GFR, ↓Na+/H2O reabsorption from distal nephron (natriuresis) |
Na+ reabsorption |
H2O reabsorption |
Proximal tubule |
65% |
65% |
Thin descending loop of Henle |
- |
10% |
Thick ascending loop of Henle |
25% |
- |
Distal convoluted tubule |
5% |
- |
Collecting duct |
4-5% |
5-24.7% |
Potassium |
· Free filtration: 180L/day x 4mM = 720mmol per day · Fixed reabsorption 95% (proximal tubule 65%, loop of Henle 30%) · Compulsory excretion 5% · Variable secretion (stimulated by aldosterone) |
Calcium |
· Proximal tubule: PO43- reabsorption o ↑: Vit D o ↓: PTH, calcitonin · Distal tubule: Ca2+ reabsorption o ↑: Vit D, PTH o ↓: Calcitonin |
Reabsorption of HCO3- |
· 4000-5000mmol/day · 85% prox tubule, 10% thick ascending LOH, 5% distal tubule and collecting duct intercalated cells · ↑ECF HCO3- -> shift in carbonic acid equilibrium (H2O + CO2 <-> H+ + HCO3-) |
Excretion of titratable acid |
· Phosphoric acid 30mmol/day (up to 60mmol/day) · H2PO4 <-> H+ + HPO4- pKa 6.8 |
Excretion of ammonia |
· 70mmmol/day (up to 300) · 60% deamination of glutamine, 35% filtered by glomerulus, 5% deamination of other amino acids · Glutamine -> 2NH4+ + 2HCO3- + oxoglutarate · HCO3- reabsorbed · NH4+ secreted by Na+/NH4+ antiporter. 70% reabsorbed in LOH, recycled |
Gluconeogenesis |
· Glutamine -> oxaloacetate -> glucose (?) · Supplies obligate glucose users (brain, RBCs) · Important in starvation |
Detoxification |
· CYP450 enzymes · e.g. CYP2E1 metabolises 70% methoxyflurane |
Exogenous waste |
· Creatinine as creatinine · Amino acids as urea |
Drug metabolites |
· Especially if large, water-soluble · e.g. morphine-6-glucuronide · e.g. pancuronium (accumulation in renal failure) |
In health |
· ↓pO2 in interstitium -> ↑EPO secretion by interstitial fibroblasts -> ↑differentiation of pluripotent haem stem cells to erythroblasts |
In renal failure |
· ↓Renal metabolic rate -> ↑pO2 in interstitium -> ↓Epo -> anaemia |
Feedback welcome at ketaminenightmares@gmail.com