2020B03 Describe the factors that affect respiratory system compliance.



·       Intro and definitions

·       Graphs

·       Determinants of static lung compliance

·       Determinants of hysteresis

·       Determinants of chest wall compliance


Intro and definitions:


·  ∆volume (V)/∆transpulmonary pressure (P)

·  Key determinant of work of breathing

Static compliance

·  ∆V/∆P at cessation of airflow

Dynamic compliance

·  ∆V/∆P during airflow

·  Less than static compliance (i.e. hysteresis)

Specific compliance

·  (∆V/∆P) / FRC

·  i.e. indexed for absolute lung size

Normal values

·  Lung compliance (LC): 200mL/cmH2O

·  Chest wall compliance (CWC): 200mL/cmH2O

·  Total: 1/200 + 1/200 = 1/100 -> 100mL/cmH2O

·  (in parallel, hence additive inverses)

Recoil tendency

·  Lung inward (~5cmH2O at FRC)

·  Chest wall outward (~5cmH2O at FRC)



Combined compliance curves

Regional differences


Determinants of static lung compliance:

Intrinsic elasticity

·  Elderly/smoking -> emphysema -> ↓inward recoil -> ↑LC

·  Interstitial fibrosis -> ↓LC

·  Pulmonary oedema -> ↓LC


·  LaPlace’s law: Pressure (P) = 2 x surface tension (T) / radius (r)

o Fluid surfaces acquire least surface area due to surface tension

o Alveoli tend to collapse

·  Role of surfacant

o Amphipathic molecule

o Reduces surface tension at air-water interface

o Becomes more concentrated (= more effective) at low alveolar volume

o -> ↓alveolar collapse, ↑compliance

·  Factors increasing surface tension:

o Alveolar oedema -> surfactant dilution

o Surfactant deficiency (e.g. prematurity, SP-B or SP-C deficiency)

Absolute lung size

·  Reasons:

o   ↑Alveolar number -> ↑LC

o   ↑Alveolar size -> ↑LC (↑radius -> ↓pressure – LaPlace)

·  Examples:

o   Adult > Neonate (100 cf. 1.5-6mL/cmH2O)

o   Male > Female

o   Tall > Short

·  N.B. compliance constant if indexed to size (i.e. compliance/FRC)

Relative lung volume

·  High: surfactant spread out -> ↑T -> ↓ LC

·  Low: ↓ radius -> ↑T, alveolar collapse -> ↓LC

o e.g. pregnancy, obesity

·  Max compliance at FRC


·  Basal compression -> ↓alveolar volume at FRC -> basal LC

·  Apical traction -> ↑alveolar volume at FRC -> basal > apical LC


·  Supine: ↓LC

o Dorsal lung compressed by ventral lung/mediastinum/abdo viscera

o Awake: compression + -> dorsal LC > ventral LC

o Under GA: compression +++ -> ventral LC > dorsal LC

·  Prone: ↑LC

o Lung/mediastinum/abdo viscera supported by sternum and ribs

o ↑Uniformity of intrapleural pressure / volume / compliance

o Overall ↑FRC and ↑LC (esp. if abdomen free)

Pulmonary blood volume

·  Congestion -> ↓ LC

·  (e.g. heart failure, supine posture)


Determinants of hysteresis:

i.e. reasons for the difference between static and dynamic compliance

Resistance to airflow

·  Laminar: R = (8 x length x viscosity) / (π x radius4)

·  Turbulent: (P1-P2) (length x density) / (radius5)

Time-dependent pulmonary elastoid behavior

·  Surfactant changes (lag in equilibration of surface tension between alveoli)

·  Stress relaxation (of viscoelastic lung tissue e.g. collagen)

·  Pendelluft (distribution of air between regions with different time constants

·  Re-opening of collapsed alveoli (quasi Starling resistor)


Determinants of chest wall compliance:

Intrinsic elasticity

·  Intrinsic elasticity -> ↓outward recoil -> ↓CWC

o Neonate (cartilaginous ribs)

o Elderly (ossified costal cartilage)

·  Distortion of chest wall -> ↓CWC

o Pregnancy

o Kyphoscoliosis

·  Diaphragm and intercostal relaxation -> ↓CWC

o Anaesthesia

o Paralysis

Relative lung volume

·  ↓Volume -> ↑outward recoil -> ↑CWC

o Pregnancy

o Obesity

o Supine posture

 (note external compression predominates in the above cases)

External compression

·  Compress diaphragm and/or chest wall -> ↓CWC

o Obesity

o Pregnancy

o Posture: supine > lateral decubitus > erect
(Prone: ↑CWC if abdomen free)



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