Anaesthesia Primary Exam
Pharmacology SAQ
Cardiovascular Drugs
1999B12 Sodium nitroprusside
2001A15 Esmolol vs propranolol
2002B08 Vasopressin
2004A06 Glyceryl trinitrate
2006B01 Treatment of hypotension due to subarachnoid block
2006B07 Treatment of ventricular fibrillation
2007A08 Treatment of chronic LV failure
2008A08 Treatment of myocardial ischaemia
2015A08 Treatment of intra-operative hypertension
2016A08 Treatment of hypertension in pregnancy
2016A09 Amiodarone
2017B07 Ephedrine vs noradrenaline
2018A08 Metoprolol
2018B10 Inotropes
2021A06 Metaraminol vs noradrenaline
2021B02 ACEi and ARB