Anaesthesia Primary Exam
Pharmacology SAQ
2000A15 Opioids - Respiratory Effects
2006A07 Naloxone
2007A03 Opioids - inter-individual variation
2007B03 Opioids - transition from IV to oral
2008B04 Ketamine - use in post-op analgesia
2010B01 Morphine vs oxycodone
2011A06 Remifentanil
2013B12 Alfentanil vs fentanyl
2013C08 Opioid metabolism - morphine, pethidine and codeine
2014A10 Morphine vs tramadol
2014A11 Aspirin overdose vs paracetamol overdose
2016B12 Opioids - mechanism of analgesia
2017B15 Tramadol
2018A05 Opioids - therapeutic and adverse effects
2019A14 Tramadol - metabolism and excretion
2019B14 Paracetamol - role and toxicity
2020A09 Intrathecal opioids
2021A10 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
2021B09 Morphine vs fentanyl PCA