Anaesthesia Primary Exam
Physiology SAQ
2003B12 Diffusion limitation vs perfusion limitation of gas exchange
2003B13 Airway resistance
2004B09 Carbon dioxide production and transport
2005A12 Determinants of PaCO2
2005A13 Non-respiratory functions of the lungs
2005B09 West’s zones of the lungs
2005B16 Functions residual capacity under anaesthesia
2006A10 Factors increasing respiratory rate
2007A09 Venous admixture
2008B13 Alveolar time constants
2010A09 Mixed venous saturation
2010B12 Muscles involved in ventilation
2011A13 Work of breathing
2012B12 Causes of post-op hypoxaemia
2013C09 Cough reflex
2014A04 Rapid sequence induction - prevention of hypoxaemia
2015A02 Carbon dioxide homeostasis
2015A09 Functional residual capacity
2015B03 Thoracic anaesthesia
2016B01 Positive end-expiratory pressure
2018A13 Lung compliance
2018B02 Oxygen delivery
2019A04 CO2 carriage in blood
2019B12 O2-Hb and CO2-Hb dissociation curves
2020B03 Respiratory system compliance
2021A08 Regional gas exchange
2021A15 Response to hypoxaemia - awake and anaesthetised
2021B10 etCO2 vs PaCO2
2021B11 Effects of hypercapnoea